Mình copy ra đây toàn văn của bí quyết hướng hướng dẫn bằng tiếng Anh. Sorry ko dịch đưỡc vì trình kém

Mời các bác:
Reverse 180 (J-Turn)
It is usually initiated from a stopped position, and can get you turned around even in a tight location (without an 8-point turn).
For this maneuver to be executed properly, you need enough room to have the car sideways, and then some. It is best practiced in an empty parking lot or dirt area (dirt will give you the same skills, but requires less speed, and will cause less tire wear).
Drive to one end of the area with your backend pointed in the direction you wish to go. Accelerate in reverse to 10-30MPH.
In a FWD car, this next step is easy. Turn the wheel in one direction to initiate the front end sliding. Giving a bit more gas as soon as you start the turn will help a bit. As soon as the front of the vehicle starts sliding, press the brakes lightly, put the car in neutral, and be ready to put it into gear.
In a RWD car, turn the wheel in one direction to initiate the front end sliding, but at the exact same time, press the brake pedal pretty hard, do not lock up your brakes, but this helps your vehicle pivot on the rear tires. Put the car in neutral, and be ready to put it into gear.
As soon as the slide is half-way through, put the car in gear (drive) and be prepared to step on the gas. As soon as you are pointed in the direction you desire to go, hit the accelerator and make any minor adjustments to your driving angle with your steering wheel.
You should practice spinning in both directions. And experiment with different amounts of gas and brakes at the outset of the slide.
If you do not put the car in neutral soon enough, or put in the car in gear (drive) too soon, you have the possibility of messing up your transmission.