Cụ chủ hỏi về Trai nên cháu chẳng trả lời , nhưng lợi dụng nhảy vào đây để quảng cáo ... Cháu hư lắm ,rất hư í :D nên Mợ nào thích giai hư thì ới cái nhá :D
i would love to help out for your Son and Nephew, so do you have quetions or what?
I don't remember exactly but many come and go :(
So ? what do you trying to say?
Let me guess, if it easy then your English is very good by now right ? :P
Well let see ... i don't know why want to eat when i'm hurry and want to go to the toilet when i'm full :D
Do you know why? anyone here like that ? and what do you want to chat about ?