[Funland] TƯ LIỆU ẢNH: Tất cả về Việt Nam xưa!


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18 Jul 1965, Le My, Vietnam --- Le My, Vietnam: Defense Secretary McNamara Marine Lt. Col. David Clement and Maj. Gen. Lewis W. Walt, Marine Commanding Officer in Vietnam, ride in jeeps driven by Cpl. Felix A. Gallegos. They were en route to the Le My City Hall during McNamara's visit to the Marine units in the area.


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13 Sep 1965, Qui Nhon, South Vietnam --- 9/13/1965-Qui Nhon, South Vietnam- Lieutenant Kathleen Rockwell, 23, of Alexandria, Virginia, an army nurse, leans on the shoulder of her husband, Lieutenant Richard Rockwell, 23, of New York City. Kathleen managed to get herself transferred here to be with her husband, arriving last week in time to get a field hospital set up, only to discover that Richard was being sent back to the front lines at Cam Ranh Bay


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12 Dec 1965, Ban Me Thout, South Vietnam --- The Visitors. Ban Me Thout, South Vietnam: Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts gets a warm welcome from Vietnamese youngsters as he visits that war-torn nation, but some Americans aren't quite as happy to see visiting VIP's from the U.S. Increasing numbers of Congressmen, Senators and assorted important peoples have caused problems, and complaints, among U.S. military men in South Vietnam


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18 Sep 1965, Near Bien Hoa, South Vietnam --- September 18, 1965 - Bien Hoa, South Vietnam: Helicopters, carrying members of the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade, fire on a Viet Cong position as they prepare to land about eight miles from Bien Hoa. This was the Brigade's first jungle operation since its arrival in South Vietnam


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16 Jul 1965, Saigon, South Vietnam --- 7/16/1965-Saigon, South Vietnam- Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, and Ambassador-Designate, Henry Cabot Lodge, talk here with Nguyen Van Thieu, South Vietnamese Chief of State and Premier Nguyen Cao KY. Mcnamara and lodge are here to discuss the pos


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1/28/1965- Saigon, South Vietnam: Holds press conference- Lt. Gen Nguyen Khanh, once again the stong man in South Vietnam, tells news conference January 28th, he has reappointed U.S.-educated Nguyen Xuan Oanh acting Prime Minister. Khanh denied having any personal ambitions to take over the government, but made it clear that the powerful council of generals he heads will be the final arbiter in affairs of state. He said the twin problems of Communist aggression and underdevelopemnt. Oanh, 43, served as interim Prime Minister once bfore, but lasted only seven days


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28 Jun 1965, Saigon, South Vietnam --- Saigon: A Floating Nightmare. Shattered bodies lie sprawled about at the entrance area of a floating restaurant here June 25th, after two Viet Cong bombs claimed 42 lives and injured 80 persons. The majority of fatalities occurred when the second bomb went off at the gangplank entrance to the boat-restaurant, trapping many who were fleeing from the first blast. Among the dead were 27 Vietnamese, 12 Americans, one German, one Frenchman, and one Filipino


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28 Jun 1965, Saigon, South Vietnam --- Saigon: A Floating Nightmare. Shouting for help, a bystander attempts to administer aid to a badly wounded American child, minutes after Viet Cong bombs shattered the floating My Canh restaurant here June 25th. Sprawled at left is the body of boy's father, an American, who had thrown himself over the youngster to protect him when the bombs went off. Child is now in a Saigon hospital.


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28 Jun 1965, Saigon, South Vietnam --- Saigon: A Floating Nightmare. Two young Vietnamese girls and their escort (right, at table) bear mute testimony to the violence of the Viet Cong bombs which destroyed the My Canh floating restaurant here June 25th. They were having supper when the terrorist blasts snuffed out 42 lives and wounded more than 80 persons in and near the boat-restauran


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30 Mar 1965, Saigon, South Vietnam --- Saigon, South Vietnam: A dead woman lies among flaming debris of the American Embassy after a terrorist bomb rocked the building and surrounding area wounding and killing an estimated 50 persons.


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05 Jul 1965, Hue, South Vietnam --- South Vietnam's Military Premier, 34-year-old Vice Air Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky, returns a salute to officials and village Chiefs as he arrives at the Airport of the Ancient Imperial Capital of Vietnam on June 30. Wearing his jet Black flight suit, Ky was on his first trip to Hue since being named Premier. He outlined in clearest terms the Government's policies. Behind Ky is Defense Minister Brig. General Nguyen Huu Co.


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Henry Cabot Lodge (left), U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam, greets Vietnamese Prime Minister, Air Vice Marshall Nguyen Cao Ky. Lodge was on a fact finding trip for President Johnson in July 1965


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Saigon. Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. Ambassador-Designate to South Vietnam (left), greeted by Major General Nguyen Van Thieu, Chairman of Vietnamese Directory. Mr. Lodge was on a fact finding trip, surveying economic, political, and military situations. 1965


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24 Apr 1965, Dong Son, South Vietnam --- With apparent disregard for the columns of U.S. Marines on the road, South Vietnamese natives walk the center lane. The Marines were on a reconnaissance mission (April 24th) west of the Da Nang airbase.
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