[Funland] TƯ LIỆU ẢNH: Tất cả về Việt Nam xưa!


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21 Oct 1965, Ben Dong So, Vietnam --- Members of 1st Division Infantry are dropped by helicopter at Ben Dong So to clear the area of Viet Cong during the Vietnam War


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22 Feb 1965, Saigon, South Vietnam --- General Tran Van Minh (known as Little Minh), was named Commander-in-Chief of Vietnam's armed forces by Chief of State Phan Khac Suu. Minh replaced General Nguyen Khanh, who resigned after two days of pressure by other generals calling for his ouster


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6/22/1965-Le My, South Viet Nam: Two young residents of Le My enjoy a "ride" on the shoulders of an American Marine. During the lull in the fighting, the Leathernecks stationed here are making friends with young and old alike in the village. Le My was the scene of bitter fighting between U.S. Marines and Viet Cong guerrillas a month ago


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10/22/1965-Phouc Vinh, South Vietnam- Lifeline aids U. S. First Infantrymen as they wade swollen stream during recent operation north of here October 16. Their gear was also floated across. Such crossings are not un-common during the monsoon season which is now drawing to a close


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22 Oct 1965, Da Nag, Sout Vietnam --- Marine Aided by Buddies. Da Nang, South Vietnam: A wounded U.S. Marine is aided by buddies as they struggle through waist-high "elephant grass" during operation near here October 14th. The purpose of the 6-day offensive was to clear the area of Viet Cong guerrillas. The operation's limited results included the capture of an important Communist diary.


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22 Nov 1965, Plei Me, South Vietnam --- A soldier (right) in the Air Cavalry Division crosses a stream on a fallen tree while a fellow soldier with a camouflage helmet (left) covers him from the back. The 1st Cavalry is operating along the Cambodian border west of here in the pursuit of Communist remnants from the Chu Pong and La Drang battles and is looking for more fresh troops.


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22 Dec 1965, Vung Tau, South Vietnam --- Vung Tau, South Vietnam: Viet Nam Scene. A paratrooper of the 173rd Airborne helps a weeping Vietnamese woman carry her children near Vung Tau, December 20th. The family was being evacuated because of the threat of a possible Viet Cong attack on a nearby U.S. artillery position.


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22 Dec 1965, Son Thang, Vietnam --- 12/22/1965-Son Thang, South Vietnam: Battle gear of U.S. Troops, who lost their lives or were wounded during operation "Harvest Moon," is piled near operation headquarters. The troops were trying to rout the Communist from their previous stronghold, 35 miles Southwest of the Da Nang Air Base.

Sesemi Jacket

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Hà Nội
Bọn pháp nhợn sang và xây cầu, làm đường sắt, trong khi đó tại Huế thì vua quan vẫn hom ha hom hem , áo quần nhếch nhác lôi tha lôi thôi ;))
Em thấy vua quan thì có hom hem thật, vì thời đó đói ăn thôi. Chứ quần áo có nhếch nhác lôi thôi đâu bác! Nhìn áo quan thêu rồng phượng khá đẹp đấy chứ ạ :D


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319,833 Mã lực
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23 Oct 1965, Plei Me, South Vietnam --- 10/23/1965-Plei Me, South Vietnam- A Vietnamese soldier dashes for cover while his comrades keep down in their positions on the outer defense perimeter of the Special Forces camp. The camp has been under heavy Viet Cong attack since early in the week


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23 Nov 1965, Plei Me, South Vietnam --- Keeping a sharp watch on tree tops for Viet Cong snipers, a U.S. First Air Cavalry Division trooper and his radio move cautiously through the tall grass. American forces are continuing operations along the Cambodian border, west of here, in pursuit of Communist remnants of the Chu Pong and La Drang battles


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12/23/1965- Chu Lai, South Vietnam- U.S. Marine Pfc. Richard Plummer of Carthage, MO, carries a decorated Christmas tree past the barbed wire barricade of the Marine camp here. U.S. troops in Vietnam will silence their guns for a 30-hour Yuletide period


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24 Mar 1965, Da Nang, South Vietnam --- Field Services. Da Nang, South Vietnam: Catholic chaplain Cdr. John J. O'Connor offers communion to a U.S. Marine during a memorial service in the field at Da Nang. The service was held for the Marine who was killed accidentally during a night patrol, when another soldier thought he was a Viet Cong guerrilla. Two other enlisted men were wounded during the same incident.


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319,833 Mã lực
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5/24/1965-Bien Hoa, South Vietnam: A paratrooper of the 173rd Airborne helps another paratrooper up a river bank while on patrol. One U.S. Army advisor was killed and another feared captured when Communist guerrillas ambushed a South Vietnamese government battalion in a forest 150 miles southwest of Saigon


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319,833 Mã lực
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Một nơi mà rân chơi không hề biết tới!

11/24/1965-Iadrang Valley, Vietnam - The helping hands of a battlefield buddy aid this wounded U. S. Marine with a tattered bandage. Wounded leathernecks were taken care of temporarily amid the high grass in the Iadrang Valley until they were airlifted to base hospitals from the battle-seiged area


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319,833 Mã lực
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7/25/1965-Chu Lai, South Vietnam- A U.S. Marine is shown with a captured Viet Cong suspect, still clutching his children, as they flee his burning home following a sweeping operation by the Leathernecks, July 25. Many of the Viet Cong live with their families in the village near Chu Lai, one of the new U.S. bases established by the Marines. Twenty-five Viet Congs were killed and 33 captured in the operation


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25 Aug 1965, Vietnam --- Private First Class John Lakey, with M60 machine gun and M16 rifle, keeps a watch for possible Vietcong as other members of his company "dig in."


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Động cơ
319,833 Mã lực
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25 Oct 1965, Vung Tau, So. Vietnam --- The Kennedy Cham. Vung Tau, So. Vietnam: Big smiles are reciprocal as Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), left, chats with troops during stroll through tent area here. The younger brother of the late president flew here to visit paralyzed Vietnamese soldiers in a hospital. Sen. Kennedy and a group of U.S. lawmakers are on a six-day tour of South Vietnam.
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