[Funland] TƯ LIỆU ẢNH: Tất cả về Việt Nam xưa!


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Members of the 1st Cav. rest in front of a Viet Cong propaganda lettering on a destroyed building. This village had been a Viet Cong supply base

Woman Standing Next to a Burning Structure


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319,833 Mã lực
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Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Navy medic, Gene Holtman of Tell City, Indiana prepares to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a wounded leatherneck. The Marine of the US 3rd Marine division, was injured when an American fighter plane accidentally bombed an allied position during Operation Scotland II. One Marine was killed and nine others injured

A helicopter arrives at a hill near Khe Sanh to pick up those soldiers killed and wounded when a US fighter plane accidentally fired upon a US position during the Vietnam War


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U.S. Air Force pilots in a C-130 Hercules transport make a LAFES (Low altitude Parachute Extraction System) drop of food and ammunition to U.S. Marines at Khe Sanh, Republic of Vietnam. The LAPES method allows Air Force crews to fly in, drop supplies without landing, and fly out, allowing more cargo to be moved into Khe Sanh in a shorter time. The Lapes method is being used as part of the air resupply efforts into the Marine position

US Marines by Outer Wall of Citade​


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319,833 Mã lực
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5/18/1969-A Shau Valley, South Vietnam: View of 101st Airborne Division troopers charging up "Hamburger Hill." The troops suffered too many casualties before being halted short of the mountain top by dug-in North Vietnamese

Marine Cpl. Bruce Lint (L) of Meriden, Connecticut and another Marine (unidentified) provide a little musical entertainment for fellow leathernecks at this fortress in northwestern south Vietnam. A radio operator and interpreter with a reconnaissance unit, Cpl. Lint isn't practicing his trade much recently. since the North Vietnamese have Khe Sanh almost surrounded, any recon outfit travelling very far would risk capture​


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U.S. Marines run towards falling parachutes as a food drop is made at Khe Sanh. U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortresses staged seven raids in South Vietnam on February 22nd and 23rd, mostly against the forces ringing the fortress of Khe Sanh​


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Three U.S. Marines, just arriving as reinforcements at the besieged Marine stronghold at Khe Sanh, drop their duffel bags and other equipment and run for sandbag shelters as a Communist rocket explodes somewhere in the camp. Other Marines at right huddle against the sandbags


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Khe Sahn Marines dig into an extra can of fruit cocktail during a recent lull in the continuing artillery duels between Leathernecks and North Vietnamese at this embattled allied outpost in Northwestern I Corps

21 Feb 1968, Khe Sanh, Vietnam --- US Soldiers Watching for Enemy Activity​


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319,833 Mã lực
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21 Mar 1968, Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam --- Reads Letter. Hill 881, South Vietnam: Sgt. Joseph Michael Jones of Chattahoochee, Fla., reads mail atop his bunker, which files the Florida state flag on Hill 881, a U.S. Marine outpost of besieged Khe Sanh. Jones said: "There's two ways to get off Hill 881 -- flown off or blown of

21 Mar 1968, Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam --- Spotting Target Sites. Hill 881, South Vietnam: Spotting target sites for American planes, U.S. Marines Miliman Niuhtoa, Jr., (left), uses a map as Patrick Cardines uses a scope to sight North Vietnamese movements from Hill 881, an outpost of Khe Sanh. Niuhtoa is from American Samoa; Cardines from Honolulu, Hawaii​


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Động cơ
319,833 Mã lực
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21 Mar 1968, Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam --- Sounding Colors. Hill 881, South Vietnam: With a Marine bugler sounding "colors" at the morning's first light, a U.S. flag is hoisted atop a 15 foot radio antenna on Hill 881, an outpost near Khe Sanh. At nightfall, the Marines retire that day's flag to sent it to the family of a Marine slain on the hill

22 Jan 1968, Khe Sanh, South Vietnam --- Civilians Evacuated from Khe Sanh. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: A US Marine escorts three Vietnamese children during evacuation of some 12,000 civilians from Khe Sanh village, January 22, in preparation for a major Communist offensive expected in the area just below the Demilitarized Zone. The continuing Communist build-up in the area prompted Allied officials to cancel the 36-hour lunar new year truce in South Vietnam's five northern provinces, January 29. Up to 40,000 North Vietnamese infantrymen are believed poised along the northern frontier​


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319,833 Mã lực
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23 Mar 1968, Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam --- Awaiting Supplies. Hill 881, South Vietnam: Marines wait in grass as a helicopter comes in with supplies and to pick up sick and wounded. The Marines here are constantly under heavy fire from Communist forces which hold nearby Hill 881 North. Before the choppers can land the surrounding area is hit by bombs from fixed wing aircraft, followed by armed helicopters which sweep the area with machine gun fire


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Động cơ
319,833 Mã lực
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Một nơi mà rân chơi không hề biết tới!

23 Apr 1968, A Shau Valley --- Evacuating A Firebase: Vietnam 1968

23 Apr 1968, A Shau Valley, South Vietnam --- US Airbourne Troops on the Ground in Vietnam 1968​


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319,833 Mã lực
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Một nơi mà rân chơi không hề biết tới!

23 Apr 1968, A Shau Valley, South Vietnam --- A Shau Valley, South Vietnam: Smoke flare marks landing spot for evacuation helicopter coming in to take out U.S. 1st Cavalrymen wounded in the battle for control of the vital a Shau Valley.

24 Apr 1968, A Shau Valley, Vietnam --- Helicopters are shown as they approach Landing Zone Pepper in the A Shau Valley. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS​


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Nhìn những bức ảnh sinh hoạt thường ngày của lính , chả cứ là phe nào ...em rất cảm động , thậm chí còn cảm xúc hơn cả xem ảnh ái đẹp !

Tks cụ chủ mở kho tư liệu này ! Hẹn gặp cụ chiều nay , em quai cụ phát :))

Trang Đào

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271,420 Mã lực
Đẹp quá ạ ^^


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Biển số
Ngày cấp bằng
Số km
Động cơ
319,833 Mã lực
Nơi ở
Một nơi mà rân chơi không hề biết tới!
Nhìn những bức ảnh sinh hoạt thường ngày của lính , chả cứ là phe nào ...em rất cảm động , thậm chí còn cảm xúc hơn cả xem ảnh ái đẹp !

Tks cụ chủ mở kho tư liệu này ! Hẹn gặp cụ chiều nay , em quai cụ phát :))
Em cũng thế, xem cảnh sinh hoạt, rồi có cảnh ngồi suy tư, đọc thư của người thân, đàn hát em rất xúc động mặc dù em không đc trải qua thời kỳ mưa bom bão đạn này.


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Ngày cấp bằng
Số km
Động cơ
319,833 Mã lực
Nơi ở
Một nơi mà rân chơi không hề biết tới!

24 Apr 1968, A Shau Valley, Vietnam --- Helicopters are shown as they approach Landing Zone Pepper in the A Shau Valley

25 Feb 1968, Khe Sanh, South Vietnam --- Carrying a guitar and a M-16 rifle, a marine waits at a landing strip for a flight out of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam War
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