- Biển số
- OF-302370
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 20/12/13
- Số km
- 11,354
- Động cơ
- 73 Mã lực
Thì đang có hình đới mà, thôi để em lôi thêm ra cho nhiều lun.Cụ tài nhể, sao em chọc mà nó không ra!
The front runner guard is taken from Lexus. And the bumper is used while swiming if to bump to a dock or to other boat.
There has been used exclusive leather in interrior design.
It looks more like a yacht than a car.
All the car was repainted with multi layer painting technology.
All the windows can be shut.
The engine place is also fully rebuilt.
These are “Fuel” and “Oil” indicators.
In case you are in the middle of the sea and need some medical help…