Ha no. I just curious of that cauz i usually heard of ways to flirt a western girl. And i think Titi can give me some eeperience.
Hi and funny weekend to evryone here.
I can't say this is my experience but this is what i think
western girls or asian girls are the same,they are human has heart and feeling.
know who she is
try to find out as much information as you can first. if she is a nun or has made a promise "i will kill whoever becoming my BF" then please do yourself a favor...stay away.
what's her situation is
if she is a newly wed, guess what's your percentage of success is?
her bad side
people often look for good side,don't forget to find out what's bad... to see if you can tolerate it.
what she like
so that you can do just that..what she like. just this alone account for 75% of succeed rate. also to compare with what you like to see if they match.
what she dislike
easy right? so you don't do these stuffs
girls loves this,they want the guy who know what to do,they want to feel secure around you,they like the "protected" feeling with you.
girls HATES liars. everyone made mistake,but it take a man to admit that he was wrong.be true to yourself...because that is what you are,don't sugarcoat,don't make up things
to receive something,first you have to give.you don't have to be filthy rich, let just say a flower would make a girl feel special,you can buy a real one,you can just pick a wild one or you can just make it out of paper. it's the thought that counts .girls can be very happy over a very simple thing.
talk less,listen more
God created women so they can talk more then men remember that. also by talk less listen more you can limit your mistake and understand her more. believe it or not if you say 1 sentence, a girl can understand it in 3 different ways....depending on her mood at the time.
very important. nobody perfect there will be a time when you need this.
financial security
at first this is not a must...but in long term relationship,it's something you need to have.
take care of your body. when a man looking at a women what's attract them first? yes,look. women are very much the same.
be mysterious
girls always has a curious mind,this will keep things interesting.
Very sure i miss a few but who cares, if you can do some of those i mentioned that would be enough.
By now you must think that i am a master at this thing right? WRONG . i have one weakness... in front of a girl i become stupid
gosh i talked too much
Mợ Ni ... i need a black coffee