- Biển số
- OF-59286
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 17/3/10
- Số km
- 19,906
- Động cơ
- 605,508 Mã lực
1 sư đoàn tank Iraq sau khi hứng 3 quả bom CBU 97 từ 1 chiếc B52:
I thought the cluster bombs were used to take a full squadron, or whatever it is called, out.
3 CBU-97'S dropped from a B-52 during the Iraq war destroyed over 90 Iraqi tanks.
I thought the cluster bombs were used to take a full squadron, or whatever it is called, out.
3 CBU-97'S dropped from a B-52 during the Iraq war destroyed over 90 Iraqi tanks.