- Biển số
- OF-75669
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 17/10/10
- Số km
- 13,169
- Động cơ
- 517,936 Mã lực
Not have standing là sao cụ?Lệnh của tòa án đây, có nêu lý do chi tiết mời cụ đọc:
"Accordingly, the Court finds that Plaintiff does not have standing to bring a claim under the Electors Clause based on the facts alleged in his Complaint."
"Accordingly, the Court finds that Plaintiff does not have standing to bring his claim alleging the violation of the Due Process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment"
"This Court Lacks Jurisdiction to Grant the Relief that Sought by Plaintiff"
"Plaintiff Fails to Establish a Substantial Likelihood of Success of His Claim Under the Electors Clause (Count I)"
"Plaintiff Fails to Establish a Substantial Likelihood of Success of His Claim Under the Electors Clause (Count I)"
"plaintiff has not show that he is likely to suffer the irreparable harm required to merit injunctive relief"
"Plaintiff seeks an extraordinary and unprecedented remedy: the decertification of the votes cast in the presidential election, after millions of people lawfully cast their ballots. To interfere with the result of an election that has already concluded and has been audited and certified on multiple occasions would be unprecedented and harm the public in countless way"
Theo cụ dân Mỹ bình thường đọc đoạn này nó có thông không ạ?