- Biển số
- OF-53557
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 24/12/09
- Số km
- 37,367
- Động cơ
- 667,711 Mã lực
Lão Mr.Trym bẩu dù là 1 lít dầu lậu cũng phải bắt. Thế nên anh Rôu thi hành triệt cmn để luôn.
Iranian authorities have detained 11 people aboard an oil tanker seized off the shores of the country’s southern Hormozgan province for alleged fuel smuggling, local media reported.
According to the reports, the country’s Revolutionary Guards seized a ship carrying 250,000 liters of smuggled diesel fuel on Sunday.
Iranian authorities have detained 11 people aboard an oil tanker seized off the shores of the country’s southern Hormozgan province for alleged fuel smuggling, local media reported.
According to the reports, the country’s Revolutionary Guards seized a ship carrying 250,000 liters of smuggled diesel fuel on Sunday.