- Biển số
- OF-81361
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 28/12/10
- Số km
- 11,744
- Động cơ
- 579,774 Mã lực
Vận động hành lang: Nord chim mà xây xong sẽ là cú đấm vào Ukr và Slovakia, không những thế còn làm tăng sự lệ thuộc của EU vào Nga.
The second part of the Nord Stream that former European gas companies to build, together with "Gazprom" - is not only a blow to the interests of Ukraine and Slovakia, but also increase the dependence of the EU on Russia.This was stated by chairman of the board NAK "Naftogaz Ukraine" Andrey Kobolev during a working visit to Slovakia.
"Excess gas pipelines - it is a choice, and the choice - this is good. But it is not for European consumers and for Russia. If these pipelines will be built, it was she who will decide where, to whom and under what political conditions, supply gas," - said the head " Naftogaz ".
The second part of the Nord Stream that former European gas companies to build, together with "Gazprom" - is not only a blow to the interests of Ukraine and Slovakia, but also increase the dependence of the EU on Russia.This was stated by chairman of the board NAK "Naftogaz Ukraine" Andrey Kobolev during a working visit to Slovakia.
"Excess gas pipelines - it is a choice, and the choice - this is good. But it is not for European consumers and for Russia. If these pipelines will be built, it was she who will decide where, to whom and under what political conditions, supply gas," - said the head " Naftogaz ".