- Biển số
- OF-387066
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 14/10/15
- Số km
- 2,855
- Động cơ
- 282,965 Mã lực
Cần gì phải nghiên cứu.Hay quá.
Theo như bài nghiên cứu thì African Mahogany rất tốt cho môi trường đô thị.
Other results regarding stem growth of African mahogany located in different areas of Hanoi (east, west, north, city center) revealed a better growth in the northern and western outskirts of the city compared to the growth of trees in the city center. Conclusion African mahogany trees in the urban centers of Hanoi showed a decreased growth compared to rural trees, which was likely induced by a low ground-water level and high pollution rates. In view of climate change and global warming, the decreased tree growth in the city center may also affect tree service provision such as shading and cooling. Those climate mitigation solutions are strongly needed in areas severely affected by climate change and global warming such as Vietnam.
Cây nào cũng tốt cho môi trường đô thị cả, kể cả cỏ.... trong việc giảm nhiệt.
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