- Biển số
- OF-553921
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 9/2/18
- Số km
- 1,147
- Động cơ
- 163,415 Mã lực
- Tuổi
- 34
Rộng hơn cụ ạNó nhầm đấy cụ ạ,
Nó nhầm feet là m
Con này rộng bằng con xe kéo nó tầm hơn 2m
40m thì gần 1000 tấn rồi
Dài 45' = 13.7m
Rộng 15' = 4.5m
Metal Shark 45 Defiant Fire Rescue
Typical Specifications
LOA: 45’
BOA: 15’
Fire Fighting Equipment: Custom, configured to meet operator’s mission requirements
Propulsion: Twin diesel inboard straight shafts, water jets, or pods
In 2016, Metal Shark delivered the first six 45 Defiant patrol boats of an eighteen-boat order from the US Department of Defense, providing advanced technology to stabilize US interests in South Asia. These very nimble and capable military patrol vessels are configured for coastal and nearshore patrol, search and rescue, and interdiction. They are powered by twin Cat Diesel C9 engines and Hamilton waterjets. Production is ongoing."
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