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- Dưới đây là một email của bạn em vừa gửi, ACE nào quan tâm thì nghiên cứu nhé
- Nếu ACE nào có điều thắc mắc cần hỏi thì gửi thư cho Rhondda, Danielle hoặc PM cho em
Chúc ACE may mắn và thành công
- Dưới đây là một email của bạn em vừa gửi, ACE nào quan tâm thì nghiên cứu nhé
- Nếu ACE nào có điều thắc mắc cần hỏi thì gửi thư cho Rhondda, Danielle hoặc PM cho em
Chúc ACE may mắn và thành công
Hoc Mai Foundation: a very long email regarding SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES in Australia
Greetings to you all and Best wishes for this Lunar New Year
Please find below a very long email from a colleague at USYD concerning scholarship opportunities to come to Australia to study
It may be of assistance to look at the 2 links below after you have read the information in the forwarded email
- http://www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/pdf/vietnam.pdf
- www.asdiv.edu.vn
Please contact me if you have any questions
Executive Officer | Học Mãi - Australia VietNam Medical Foundation
Sydney Medical School
Room 208D, A27 - Edward Ford Building | The University of Sydney| NSW 2006|AUSTRALIA
T +61 2 903 67539 | F +61 2 9351 2433 | M +61 434 565 606
W www.hocmai.org
Dear Colleagues,
I write to you to inform you of the opening of the AusAID scholarships for study in 2013, known as the Development Awards under the Australia Awards banner (http://www.australiaawards.gov.au/).
They aim to:
· develop capacity and leadership skills so that individuals can contribute to development in their home countryLong term awards tenable at the University of Sydney include Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) and Australian Leadership Award Scholarships (ALA Scholarships) for high achieving applicants. Short term awards include Australian Leadership Awards Fellowships (ALA Fellowships), the Prime Minister's Pacific-Australia Awards and short courses.
· build people-to-people linkages at the individual, institutional and country levels.
1. Australian Leadership Award Scholarships (ALA Scholarships)
Up to 200 Australian Leadership Award Scholarships will be available on an annual basis for high achievers wishing to undertake postgraduate study (Masters of PhD level). ALA Scholarships target those whose chosen field of study equips them to play a significant role in addressing, researching or combating development challenges in their country and/or region. Awardees will be provided with opportunities to enhance their leadership capacity and extend their networks.
Selection for an ALA Scholarship is highly competitive. It is based on the applicant’s professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their commitment to and potential impact on development outcomes for their country and region. Scholars are required to return to their home country for at least two years after completing their studies in Australia.
To apply: http://www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/how-to-apply.cfm Students can apply online using OASIS.
The living allowance payable under this award is the highest out of the international scholarships available, currently $26,800 per year (“Contribution to Living Expenses”).
The top successful ALA Scholarship awardees from Indonesia and PNG may also be eligible to receive an Allison Sudradjat Award, http://www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/pdf/asa-guidelines.pdf
2. Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)
The ADS aim to contribute to the long term development needs of Australia's partner countries in line with bilateral and regional agreements. They provide opportunities for people from developing countries to undertake full time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities. Scholarship benefits include a $25,000 per annum living allowance. Full benefits are described on the website.
3. Prime Minister’s Pacific-Australia Awards (PMPAA)
http://www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/pmpa.cfm and http://www.pmpa.austraining.com.au/home
The Prime Minister's Pacific-Australia Awards (PMPA Awards) are offered to recipients of long-term development awards (Australian Development Scholarships and Australian Leadership Award Scholarships) from the Pacific, Papua New Guinea and East Timor, who are leaders or potential leaders in their country. Up to 120 eligible postgraduate scholars from the Pacific will receive an award between 2010–14.
For the scholarships outlined above, please encourage prospective students to find a suitable supervisor using Research Supervisor Connect: http://www.usyd.edu.au/research/opportunities.
The procedure for applying to the University of Sydney for international students is explained here: http://sydney.edu.au/future_students/international_postgraduate_research/admissions/how_to_apply/making_application.shtml
Please note that for AusAID scholarships, applicants must not hold or have held a scholarship to study outside their home country in the 24 months preceding the application (with the 24 months to be calculated from the date of arrival back in their home country to the scholarship application closing date).
Should you have any questions in relation to these awards, please do not hesitate to contact me on danielle.somers@sydney.edu.au
Kind regards,
Danielle Somers
International Development Manager (Scholarships and Grants)
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, International
Room N255 | A20 John Woolley Building | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9351 8743
F +61 2 9351 8562