- Biển số
- OF-87917
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 9/3/11
- Số km
- 1,684
- Động cơ
- 419,586 Mã lực
- Nơi ở
- cây Bạch Dương lộng gió
Hey, that is the reason that i introduce this webi think in oder to practice or learning English well, the learner need to attention following:
the learner need to learn closely grammar
and then practicing step by step, do exercise everyday, every hour
reading all of the book, newspaper relating to english
writing the topic has about all everything
and is speaking English everyday
Doulingo as a game. It make learner want to be a winer Day by day learner make test from earsy to diffrent. I hope that it will be helpul for every body as me