- Biển số
- OF-192821
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 6/5/13
- Số km
- 1,364
- Động cơ
- 336,520 Mã lực
Next weak? Uwhat do u mean Kaola?
I assume she intended to say aboveNext week? U...what do u mean Kaola?
Madam hoanang10. I have no power to do thatHừm, I strongly request Fodka to expel him from our club because of extremist words
what the hell r y typing? chả hiểu qué gìAi sâu nâu tô píc hia, e ve zy oăn tai ping oắt dây thót, lai in a đi a ry!
Yes, u can.Madam hoanang10. I have no power to do that
Tiếng Anh ngày nào cũng "tuốt" thì đảm bảo ngày nào cũng chảy ra ngay thôi
Mà ra được thì khỏe ...
Văn ôn võ luyện mà ... that's right?
Which day, madam?Hi all, let's coffee in this weekend. We will get together with out VietNamness, Are you OK ?
Time: 4 PM
Add: Coffee shop 27A TRan Binh Trong Street
@Chimbaobao: Hope to see you, i will call for some old member
@Giacmo: The second you bedevil me. To be care
Hi. Can you change place? It's cool Around westlake this hot summer.Hi all, let's coffee in this weekend. We will get together with out VietNamness, Are you OK ?
Time: 4 PM
Add: Coffee shop 27A TRan Binh Trong Street
@Chimbaobao: Hope to see you, i will call for some old member
@Giacmo: The second you bedevil me. To be care
Only coins? If I were u, I would ask for thousands $, heheEuh!! What's happened to you? Please Give me some coins if you re happy!