- Biển số
- OF-3680
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 7/3/07
- Số km
- 10,837
- Động cơ
- 663,297 Mã lực
- Tuổi
- 50
Tiện thể cụ Nô & các cụ khác dịch luôn hộ nhà cháu xem nó nói cái gì đấy ạ :69::69:Cụ X5 Em tìm được bài này, lời dễ hiểu, hy vọng nếu có lần sau.
No Comparison
by Artie
Fiery leaves adorn the trees
In autumn, then are gone
But next to you they pale in hue
Your beauty lasts year long
The most majestic mountains
Can take my breath away
Your smile affects me so much more
It leaves me in a daze
Your long and lustrous tresses
Seem far more fair to me
Than any Caribbean shore
Could ever hope to be
The vibrant range of colors
Exploding at sunrise
Are pale and ordinary
Next to your sparkling eyes
The most exquisite diamond
A thing of style and grace
Is hideous when viewed beside
The facets of your face
All of Nature's filled it seems
With wondrous works of art
But none of them compares to you
It's you that moves my heart