- Biển số
- OF-422736
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 16/5/16
- Số km
- 7,366
- Động cơ
- 453,973 Mã lực
- Tuổi
- 44
Thêm thông tin cho các cụ chém. GDP Quý 1/2021 được Tổng cục thống kê vừa công bố, thì GDP giá hiện hành Quý 1/2021 là 1,915,368 tỷ VND, nếu GDP Q1 vẫn chiếm 20% tổng GDP như thường lệ thì năm nay GDP giá hiện hành là 9,576,840 tỷ VND, quy đổi theo tỉ giá 23.500 thì Quy mô GDP sẽ tầm khoảng 408 tỷ USD. So với GDP của Philippine năm 2020 là 367,36 tỷ USD. Nếu GDP nước này không tăng đột biến hoặc có tính toán lại thì quy mô GDP Việt nam sẽ vươn lên thứ 3 khu vực sau Indonesia và Thái Lan. Báo cáo của SSI dưới đây kỳ vọng GDP sẽ là 421.8 tỷ USD, nhưng em đặt thấp hơn tí cho an toàn
Q1 2021 is the first quarter that the General Statistics Office calculated the newly-adjusted GDP, which in essence is adding back missing enterprises and other omitted information to the calculation (see our previous discussion on this topic here (ssi.com.vn). Nevertheless, we are quite surprised to see that the level of adjustment is much bigger than expected, i.e 60.49%-68.38% (for nominal and real GDP respectively), rather than 25-27% for the annual data during 2010-2020. Here is a detailed calculation and comparison: It might be a bit early to jump to conclusions with just data for one quarter, as at this nominal level, assuming Q1 GDP accounted for 20% of the full year level, it means Vietnam GDP could hit $421.8 bn in 2021 and comfortably surpass the Philippines to rank as the third largest economy in ASEAN (just below Indonesia and Thailand). Also, surely a number of sectors might gain more weighting in GDP calculation, such as telecom (or information & communication – thanks to Viettel), Transportation (thanks to Vietjet), manufacturing, etc.
Q1 2021 is the first quarter that the General Statistics Office calculated the newly-adjusted GDP, which in essence is adding back missing enterprises and other omitted information to the calculation (see our previous discussion on this topic here (ssi.com.vn). Nevertheless, we are quite surprised to see that the level of adjustment is much bigger than expected, i.e 60.49%-68.38% (for nominal and real GDP respectively), rather than 25-27% for the annual data during 2010-2020. Here is a detailed calculation and comparison: It might be a bit early to jump to conclusions with just data for one quarter, as at this nominal level, assuming Q1 GDP accounted for 20% of the full year level, it means Vietnam GDP could hit $421.8 bn in 2021 and comfortably surpass the Philippines to rank as the third largest economy in ASEAN (just below Indonesia and Thailand). Also, surely a number of sectors might gain more weighting in GDP calculation, such as telecom (or information & communication – thanks to Viettel), Transportation (thanks to Vietjet), manufacturing, etc.