- Biển số
- OF-389465
- Ngày cấp bằng
- 29/10/15
- Số km
- 6,647
- Động cơ
- 329,696 Mã lực
Audio Recorder Smartphone Jammer
We made device to protect meeting room, with a 360 degrees (44 tranducers + RC)
Designed to protect from:
• Digital and analog voice recorders
• The latest models of iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, LG, etc.
• Third persons who are eavesdropping
• GSM/ Bluetooth/Wi-Fi transmitters
We made device to protect meeting room, with a 360 degrees (44 tranducers + RC)
Designed to protect from:
• Digital and analog voice recorders
• The latest models of iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, LG, etc.
• Third persons who are eavesdropping
• GSM/ Bluetooth/Wi-Fi transmitters